The Age of Productivity
When something breaks or goes wrong or needs fundamental change, we will be helpless in the face of our creations.
Hi friends,
I'm glad you want to hear more from me and I'm excited to share what I've discovered this week. After all, you are what makes this meaningful.
- I'm not saying you shouldn't use flexbox, but I think CSS grid's versatility overshadows flexbox in most areas. This video by Kevin Powell explains more.
2. Here is a quote by Ellen Ullman to give your work meaning.
3. Imagine a world where everyone can write code. I've heard of Github Copilot but never really got around to understanding it or messing around with it, that's about to change. I try and stay away from buzzwords and a false sense of hope but ladies and gentlemen the age of AI has been upon us and we can no longer ignore it. This article by Wired goes down the rabbit hole of Copilot and explains it in a way you'll feel like you had the red pill at the end and you'll be suffused with ideas for your next project.
4. Now back in time to an article written around when I was beginning to understand how to speak my first language. Ellen Ullman discusses how the dumbing down of programming and how by letting the 'wizard' do mundane tasks for us "we risk becoming like auto mechanics: people who can't really fix things, who can only swap components", and when something breaks or goes wrong or needs fundamental change, we will be helpless in the face of our creations. That is a valid thought if you ask me.
5. This week's photo is by Programmer Humor.