So Good They Can't Ignore you
"Wouldn't it be nice if Github had its own version of Spotify wrapped for programmers?"
- Larry Wall once said the three chief virtues a programmer has are laziness, impatience, and hubris. Whether it's true or not, I'll leave that to you to decide. But we can agree that programmers are great at automating repeated tasks like this guy who wrote a blog post explaining how his co-worker automated menial tasks that would take him 90 seconds or more. He even programmed the coffee machine to pour the coffee in the time it takes for him to walk to the machine. It's time I take a page out of his book.
- While working on a project this week I wanted to implement some CSS that only affected one element. So as usual I went down the rabbit hole of trying to find the perfect way to do it and to say that I was overwhelmed by the number of features CSS has, would be an understatement. Turns out I wasn't the only one thinking this. Sacha Greif wrote a post about this exact notion. Don't get me wrong, this is a tolerable dilemma. On the one hand, many features are good but on the other, it can trounce even the best CSS developers.
- Away from CSS and onto learning in public. The thought of this will always be daunting even to extreme extroverts. But it has more benefits than we can imagine as Gift Egwuenu explains in the Code Newbie Podcast. So build and learn in public, because the benefits outweigh whatever excuse you can think of.
- At least once in your life, you've thought about your career path and what's the best choice to make moving forward. I can bet that along your journey you encountered the idea, "follow your passion". It turns out that building a successful and engaging career is a hard thing to do. But worry not, in this video, Cal Newport debunks that cliché advice and gives you meaningful ideas and actionable steps on how to make a choice.
- Wouldn't it be nice if Github had its own version of Spotify wrapped for programmers?